Two online videos launched to educate children about recycling
Coca-Cola has beefed up its CSR output with the launch of two online videos to inform children about its approach to packaging and recycling. The videos, a mix of live action and animation, were created by agency rand Union. Both see a parent and a Coke representative embarking on a part-animated journey to investigate packaging and waste together.
They are hosted on Coca-Cola’s consumer relations website www.letsgettogether.co.uk. More videos are to be added over the course of the year. The first phase of the website was launched in 2008 inviting visitors to submit their Coke related questions to the Coca-Cola panel of experts. Over the last year the site has received and responded to over 1,000 questions.
Coca-Cola wanted to expand the website content by engaging users through video on some of the most discussed topics. Liz Lowe, Coca-Cola Great Britain Citizenship Manager, said: “Few of us know much about what happens to packaging when it’s recycled. The films give viewers an inside-look at how Coke is making efforts to reduce its environmental impact and how they can play their crucial part to help.”