TUESDAY 17 MAR 2020 4:57 PM


The live events and visual communication association, Evcom, has opened entries for its 2020 Clarion Awards, which celebrate true excellence across cause-driven corporate film, live events and experiences.

Different film and live categories will recognise the most creative and innovative content that promotes diversity and inclusion, social welfare and educational initiatives. The projects eligible for entry are those delivered between the 1 May 2019 and the 7 May 2020, which marks this year’s deadline.

Last year’s winners included St Dustan’s College with the ‘Welcome to our School’ movie made by using 30 unscripted pupil voices, Chalmers Gender Identity movie on transitioning genders, ‘Water is Life’ on the consequences of climate change on freshwater, and ‘Alopecia UK’ by the DRPG.

Evcom will work with two charities, the Passage, which works with homeless people, and the Clink, a catering service that provides food made by prisoners to host and cater the awards.

The awards will take place on July 9 2020.