
 Registration and refreshments


Welcome and opening address

Andrew Thomas
Publishing editor
Communicate magazine


Focus on film

Film has become one of the most impactful platforms for corporate communications. In this session, delegates will hear from organisations that have demonstrated an excellent use of film. Speakers will share the compelling nature of the content and creative strategy behind the film. The session will also explore the use of social media to disseminate film, the challenges of working with large, not-for-profit organisations and the difference a successful film can make.

Des Good Des Good
Managing director

Duncan Shaw Duncan Shaw
Co-founder and executive creative director
Living Group


Case study: NHS Blood & Transplant

At the inaugural Corporate Content Awards in 2018, NHS Blood & Transplant (NHSBT) took home the coveted 'Best corporate storyteller' award along with its communications agency, Aesop. Brian Cooper and Ed Woodcock from Aesop will share the story behind the multi-year Valentine’s Day campaign for the NHSBT that helped encourage people to become organ donors. The inventive, fresh, funny and impactful campaign bowled over our judges, and the film’s audiences.

Brian Cooper Brian Cooper
Executive creative director

Ed Woodcock Ed Woodcock
Founding partner and director of narrative


Transcreation and creative translation in transferable branding

Not merely encompassing translation, transcreation is one of the basic building blocks of transforming a brand through a localisation programme. Transcreation is vital in taking into account each local market’s cultural differences and sensitivity to different issues. In this session, delegates will hear from those organisations that are achieving success on an international basis through the local implementation of their brand language, tone of voice and visual identity.

Mélanie Chevalier Mélanie Chevalier
Founder and CEO
Creative Culture

Meher Mumtaz Meher Mumtaz
Global brand director
Western Union


Coffee break


Setting the right tone

To achieve consistency across communications, many organisations develop a corporate tone of voice. Using that tone of voice throughout communications content is pivotal can have a massive impact on the audience. This session will feature four experts in the use of tone of voice, who will share their experiences in developing and implementing an identifiable tone of voice for their organisations. Some may be humorous, some corporate, but consistency is key as is the brand’s ability to relate to its audience.

David Boardman David Boardman
Director of communications and engagement

Rachel Cooper Rachel Cooper
Director for global content strategy and editorial

Bob Morris Bob Morris
Managing partner
Instinctif Partners

Jack Preston Jack Preston
Senior content lead
Virgin Management


Case study: ASOS

Turning a consumer icon into an easily understood prospect for investors required a new approach to content for ASOS. Investis was tasked with redeveloping the ASOS corporate website to enhance engagement and awareness on behalf of investors. Joining us for the second case study of the afternoon is Lucy Hartley from Investis who will share the ways in which ASOS changed its approach to investor relations through content.

Lucy Hartley Lucy Hartley
Director of creative content


Print, digital and multichannel publications

In this session, three speakers will explore the challenges, creative opportunities and communications impact involved in developing a corporate publication. Delegates will hear about the ways in which publications can be used to address the internal audience, how that approach may be changing and what best practice in the development of publications looks like.

Emily Kirwan Emily Kirwan
Head of internal communications and engagement
BBC News

Susan McKenzie Susan McKenzie
Deloitte LLP

Tim Rutter Tim Rutter
Head of internal communications & community liaison
Tata Steel UK


Conference conclusion


Networking with refreshments