FRIDAY 18 SEP 2009 9:18 AM


Government 2010, a one day conference, with an accompanying free web broadcast is taking place in October. The conference will focus on how technology – especially Web 2.0, social media and open data – is set to transform government and the provision of government services. The speakers include MPs Ed Vaizey and Tom Watson, key bloggers from the likes of Stephen Tall from LibDem Voice and Iain Dale, publisher of Total Politics and speakers from both central and local government.

The conference is jointly organised by Quadriga Consulting, a London a consulting firm that advises both commercial and government clients, and webstreaming firm Switch New Media.

As well as the paid for conference, the event will be streamed live during the day. Whilst free to watch, viewers must register in advance at

Jeffrey Peel of Quadriga Consulting Ltd, joint organisers of Government 2010 said, “We’re only seeing the early stirrings of how web 2.0 technologies will impact how citizens interact with government. Because we’re streaming live we are encouraging anyone interested in these issues to participate – not just civil servants or politicians.”

He continued, “The government 2010 event is going to play an important part in the debate about how government at local, regional and national level can create innovative, compelling online public services.

The conference takes place on the 22 October in London.