New research finds the majority of workers are feeling disengaged at work and misunderstood by their employer.
A new study has found three out of four employees are feeling unfulfilled, with only a quarter (26%) feeling understood by senior leadership at their organisation. Many, however, stay in their positions to avoid the “hassles” of changing role.
The study, conducted by consultancy StrawberryFrog and data company Dynata, also found that most senior leaders believe they have a good understanding of their employees. “In our research we learned that many of these disaffected employees stay only to avoid the hassles of searching for another position,” says StrawberryFrog head of strategy, Chip Walker. “They’re essentially sleepwalking through their jobs.
“Meanwhile, top executives are operating within what we’re calling a ‘thriving bubble,’ where senior leadership feels fulfilled and believes its organisation offers clear purpose and direction—a sentiment at odds with their checked out and fed up workforce.”
A sense of meaning and purpose was found to be the most reliable predictor of employee loyalty, more than day-to-day experience, benefits or pay. “It’s not that compensation or benefits aren’t important now, they certainly are,” says StrawberryFrog Founder and CEO, Scott Goodson. “But today they aren’t what drive employees’ emotional commitment to stay.”