In this last session Reporting research and advisory services firm FutureValue will confer the Strategic Reporting Index Accolades to UK listed companies for the quality of strategy-related content in the narrative sections of their 2012 Annual Reports.
Over the last six years FutureValue has gifted its Index rankings annually for the 'Strategic Value in Corporate Reporting Awards. The 2012 Awards included a host of star achievers. In this year of impending major narrative reporting change FutureValue is pleased to join with Communicate for the first time to confer this seventh set of honours based on its Strategic Reporting Index.
What is the Value of Reporting Strategy?
How a listed company puts into words to report its strategic thinking, action and strategy-driven performance provides insight into its future potential and its worth. It is an indicator of effective strategic leadership. Effective and strategy-sensitive corporate reporting may well have a positive influence on stock market performance and at least mitigate stock market volatility.
About the Strategic Reporting Index
FutureValue conducts in-depth annual examinations of the report narratives of listed companies against a recognised strategic framework of seven content and communication factors. Evaluation gives a score of each of these seven underlying factors, leading to an average overall company score.
The 2013 Strategic Reporting Index Accolades
The 2013 honours are conferred in respect of annual reports for years ending between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2012. Please note that the only qualification for inclusion and candidacy for these accolades is the publication of an annual report by a FTSE100 or larger-cap FTSE250 company for a year-end in this period. There are six accolades for companies conforming to the highest standards:
Strategic Leadership
This accolade acknowledges the company that shows the greatest clarity and rigour in its published strategic thinking with a well-articulated, integrated strategic framework to illustrate clearly where it has been; where it is now; where it is going; and, how it will get there. Few companies show real strategic leadership making this the supreme accoldade. • Fresnillo |
Best Business Model
This accolade recognises the most effective exposition of a company or group's business model. The business model is the foundation of the strategic framework, defining the logic of the business and the basis of sustainable profitability across the value system of its enterprise. A well-defined business model leads to clear and consistent corporate goals, objectives and strategy. • British American Tobacco• Ferrexpo • Spirent Communications • Tate & Lyle |
Best Key Performance Indicators •ARM Holdings |
Best Strategic Risk • Fresnillo |
Best Strategic Capability • AstraZeneca |
Best Shared Strategic Value • Johnson Matthey |
How the winners are selected
The rankings for each of the seven underlying factors of the FutureValue strategic framework and the resultant Index of overall company scores are the bases of the 'long lists' for each Award. The FutureValue research team then re-assesses the 'long lists' to arrive at the 'short lists' of three companies for each award. A judging panel then reviews these to ascertain the winner in each category.
The short listed companies
FutureValue and Communicate will declare the short listed companies for the six awards on 14 June.