Tuesday, 9 June saw Communicate magazine’s inaugural Social Media in a Corporate Context conference.
Held at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea, the conference proved to be a lively event that provided food for though and vigorous debate on topics including rewriting media strategy in a Facebook age; trusting your brand when allowing blogs, wikis and user-generated content; incorporating online video; creating stronger relations with investors; and social media as a recruitment tool.
In keeping with the subject-matter of the day, delegates were encouraged to make use of social media and, sure enough, a spritely Twitter feed sprang up documenting the day’s progress.
The highlight for many people was a session entitled ‘Coping with the new audience empowerment’, featuring Martin Thomas, author of Crowd Surfing and Jon Hickman, lecturer in new media at Birmingham City University.
Commenting on the conference, Dee Cayhill of executive search firm Watson Helsby said: “There was a great turn out, interesting delegates and lots of food for thought.”
Thanks to everyone who attended.