The British Association of Communicators in Business (CiB) has launched the Communicators of the Year awards – and is looking for entries for the inaugural year.
Designed to recognise the skills and qualities of internal communication professionals and the teams in which they work, the awards include categories for best editor, writer, designer, agency team, in-house team (corporate), in-house team (not-for-profit), photographer, freelancer, newcomer and communication manager.
“It’s been a year of firsts for CiB,” said awards chairman Dave Morris. “We have re-designed all our awards programmes to focus entirely on internal communication, and these ‘People’ awards break new ground by recognising high levels of professional attainment and consistent achievement, rather than rewarding one publication, project or campaign.”
Award entries will be evaluated by senior experts drawn from public and private organisations and leading agencies. Overall winners will be presented with their awards at a lunch at the Sheraton Park Lane Hotel on 27 November.
The closing date for entries is 21 August. Entry forms and further information are available at www.cib.uk.com.