MONDAY 7 SEP 2009 12:35 PM


The PRCA PR Leaders’ Panel has publicly criticized the National Licensing Association’s proposal to charge organisations for forwarding on and receiving URLs.

In a poll of PRCA members, 94% opposed the proposals. When asked how the NLA had gone about the consultation process not a single respondent felt it had been a genuine attempt to gather industry feedback, while 71% agreed it was a ‘sham’.

Richard Ellis, communications director at the PRCA, said: “The PRCA has proactively communicated the NLA’s proposals to agencies and the disbelief and anger they have generated extends far beyond our membership. While the NLA has accepted our offer to help them consult with the industry, they need to show this is a genuine consultation by changing their proposals and being transparent about their future pricing plans. On current evidence it is not surprising that 73% of respondents called the NLA’s consultation process a ‘sham’.”