US confectionary giant brings a new meaning to “deep throat” in their takeover of Cadbury.
A hostile takeover can be a vicious, bitter thing. Fierce battles are waged over a war of words and getting the business press on your side from the outset can be all important. Companies have to ensure the intricacies of their strategy are understood. Sometimes companies also need to convince financial journalists, possibly reporting out of sector, of the merits and benefits of their products and services.
Kraft, in the middle of persuading investors that they should be the rightful makers of KitKat, sent round a goody bag to the business sections of the broadsheets. At first the hacks were delighted that the recession seemed over and freebies were coming back to business journalism. However, after the chocolate orange was quickly plundered the rest seemed remarkably resistant. According to one senior journalist at the Guardian, “I had to work quite hard to give it away. Normally they are like vultures for free food.” Perhaps she could have sent them over to her tabloid rivals at Wapping. Sophy Ridge, business correspondent of the News of the World tweeted a note of complaint. “why are Kraft targeting Telegraph and not NotW? Tabloids need chocolate too”.