Communicate’s Christmas Conundrums
Christmas is the time of festive spirit, and we can think of nothing as festive or full of spirits as cosmopolitans! Enter our Christmas quiz to win the constituent ingredients to make your own – vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice, and we’ll even throw in a couple of limes!
We should, of course have this as a fully interactive online form that will automatically tell you whether or not you've won. But as we only decided to do it this morning (it's a quiet day for news), please copy and paste into an email and send to stephanie.ing@communicatemagazine.co.uk
1. In a classic case of brandjacking, “Janet” pretended to be the official Twitter spokesperson for which multinational organisation?
a) ExxonMobil b) Shell
c) Telefonica d) Ford
2. The Oriana is…
a) the floating home of the Communication Directors' Forum
b) a new social media tool
c) The crisis communication arm for the Japanese All Nippon Airways.
d) The new EU office for reporting intangible accounting and numerical analysis
3. Ten years ago Ford was no. 7 in the Interbrand league table. It is now no. 49. Who now occupies the no. 7 spot?
4. The general manager of which organisation set up his own Twitter account a month after he pointed out 41% percent of all Tweets were pointless and called for “less Facebook and more focus”?
a) the CiB b) the CIPR
c) The Investor Relations Society d) the PRCA
5. Who won the IR Society Most Effective Annual Report for a FTSE 100 Company 2009?
a) Centrica b) 3i
c) Provident Financial d) Tullow Oil
6. year, the British Association of Communicators in Business voted th Now in its 60in its own rebrand. It changes its name next year to what?
7. Who won the PRCA Excellence Award for Agency Campaign of the Year?
a) Mischief b) Weber Shandwick
c) Kaizo d) Mandate
8. Andrew Stott was appointed director of digital engagement by…
a) Westminster City Council b) Vodafone
c) The Cabinet Office d) Tesco
9. Who won the Outstanding In-House Public Relations Team accolade in the CIPR Excellence Awards 2009?
a) Asda Stores b) London Borough of Camden
c) Energy Retail d) Transport for London
10. According to a number of surveys this year what is the UK’s top business blog?
11. Which company won the European Sponsorship Association's 2009 Business to Community Award?
a) Barcadi b) Nicotenell
c) Aviva d) Balfour Beatty
12. Which organisation was publicly criticized by the PRCA for instigating plans to charge organisations for forwarding on and receiving URLS from news stories?
13. The Central Office of Information is the communication arm of the government. Who became its new chief executive?
a) Tom Watson b) Paul Myerlea
c) Mark Lund d) David Land
14. Which company issued four tweet disclaimers after its lawyers caught its investor relations officer tweeting during its quarterly earnings calls?
a) Dell b) Google
c) eBay d) Trafigura
15. Which Stock Exchange launched Connect, a social media site for its members?
16. 10 Downing Street appointed Simon Lewis as its Director of Communications, replacing Mike Ellan. Lewis formally ran the communications unit of which FTSE 100 firm?
a) Barclays b) Vodafone
c) B.T. c) B.P.
17. Nearly all companies know it’s important, but only 42% know how to do it. What?
a) use social media tools b) blog
c) engage their employees d) report their KPI’s
18. Which party in a takeover battle brought a new meaning to the word sweeteners when they sent presents of chocolates to the business sections of the broadsheets?
19. Match the interests of these top communications folk…
a. Modern history and international relations
e. Wine tasting
d. Hotel ownership
c. Tottenham Hotspur
b. Arsenal
i) Jo Gibbons, director of corporate affairs, Office of Tony Blair
ii) Howell James, director of corporate affairs, Barclays
iii) Belinda Murray, head of communications, Wales
iv) Malcolm Padley, head of corporate communications, Rentokil
v) Simon Lewis, director of communications, Number 10
20. Which magazine targeting the corporate communications community won best magazine at the Periodical Publishers Association’s Independent Publisher’s Awards?
We hope you know the answer to this one!
! We wish you a merry Christmas and a successful 2010.CommunicateThanks for reading