Entries are now open for the second annual Corporate Engagement Awards, Europe’s only benchmarking programme for corporate partnership, sponsorship and philanthropy.
CorporateEngagementAwards.com is now welcoming entries from in-house corporate professionals, sponsorship consultants, business strategists, PR & advertising agencies and non-profit organisations.
The 2012 awards are open to any entrant keen to benchmark their excellence in corporate partnership and sponsorship. The Corporate Engagement Awards are the only benchmark of best practice in all aspects of the corporate partnership & sponsorship process. They provide an opportunity for sponsors, rights holders, agencies, staff and beneficiaries alike to see their efforts recognised and to celebrate excellence in their collaborative projects.
The awards are judged by a jury of sponsorship, CSR and partnership experts, communications practitioners, and academics. The Corporate Engagement Awards highlight best practice from organisations that can successfully show how they partnered or sponsored an external company to raise the visibility of their brand. Last year’s Awards highlighted the mutuality of benefit in the best examples of partnerships and corporate sponsorship.
The deadline for entries is 1 May 2012. Winners will be announced at a gala dinner in July 2012.
Publisher of Communicate, Andrew Thomas, said “Last year, the inaugural awards captured the imagination of both the corporate community and the rights holders with whom they partnered. As the event grows, our aim is that the benchmarking process of the awards will go some way to seeing sponsorship and partnerships, and the many benefits they confer, taken more seriously in the boardroom.”