WEDNESDAY 5 SEP 2012 9:35 AM


It’s a jolly nice day for Westonbirt Ice Cream creator Harriet Wilson who, with Taxi Studio, has rebranded her product Harriet’s Jolly Nice. The year-long partnership has resulted in a redesigned website and a logo with large looping lettering to give the brand a stronger visual identity.

Each flavour has its own story that links back to the jolly nice identity of this jolly good ice cream.

“We proposed the name ‘Jolly Nice’, because that’s what Harriet is,” Casey Samspon, senior creative designer at Taxi Studio says. “Her personality is built into the products, which from a branding perspective is a dream. The name led to a wonderful set of stories, one for each product, each relevant to her pursuit of perfection and deliciousness.”

Taxi Studio designed the brand identity to imbue it with a sense of adaptability. The logo and branding have already been splayed across ice cream stands and the company’s signature Airstream caravan and can be used on future lines of dairy products.

Wilson’s Jolly Nice ice cream is a popular seller at King’s Cross’ Eat St market and is made with ingredients sourced from Wilson’s father’s dairy farm.

Earlier this week, Wyke Farms, another independent British dairy, announced its plans to rebrand by creating a stronger identity for its packaged cheeses. Small companies are finding rebranding appealing in order to stand out in an increasingly diversified market.

Communicate will be accepting entries in late autumn for the 2012 Transform Awards, celebrating the best in European rebranding.