WEDNESDAY 12 SEP 2012 9:45 AM


Last month, a slew of UK-based charities underwent rebrands to raise their fundraising capacities and increase public awareness. Today, Connect Assist, which provides assistance to charities in boosting digital engagement, launched a new social media guide.

If rebranding is one step toward increasing awareness and fundraising, digital brand engagement may be the second. The “Making Service Delivery Social” guide responds to a survey that around 70 per cent of 18-44 year olds use social media to access support services such as charities. But, on Connect Assist’s homepage, a poll finds that 42 per cent of respondents have yet to introduce social media into their service delivery models.

"For too long the charity sector has focussed on this communications channel solely as a mechanic for fundraising, yet this approach is misguided,” CEO of Connect Assist Patrick Nash says. “Our survey showed that Britons are significantly more likely to use social media in order to seek help and advice than to make a charitable donation.”

Organisations like Samaritans and Beating Bowel Cancer provide forums for advice on their social media outlets. Others, like Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support, have well-developed pages but engage with users on the basis of promoting awareness rather than providing advice.

To read about recent charity rebrandings see the following links: