TUESDAY 30 OCT 2012 3:32 PM


It’s not difficult to predict the top ranked company on Siegel + Gale’s Global Brand Simplicity Index. It’s a search engine.

While Google’s number one ranking is not shocking, some of the results of the survey of 6,000 consumers in seven countries are. One of the most complex brands is a search engine’s social media platform. Easy to guess, but Google+ falls well short of its parent brand’s elegance and innovation, according to the survey.

The findings are not solely relevant in terms of design and communications, however. A composite examination of the stock indices of the top 10 companies indicated a 138% increase in value since 2009. Design informs dividends.

CEOs of Siegel + Gale Howard Belk and David Srere say, “Simplicity isn’t a trend; it’s a necessity. It’s inescapable, as the results of our third annual Global Brand Simplicity Index show: the need for simplicity and its corresponding economic value is greater than ever.”

Some of the world’s biggest brands populate the lists’ best column, but names like Ryanair, Groupon and EasyJet appear towards the bottom of the ranking due to complex branding translating to complex user experiences. Similarly, the insurance industry consistently ranked poorly on the survey due to its inherent complexity.

The UK-optimised results see Virgin Atlantic challenging Google for the top slot and favourites like ASDA, Sainsbury’s and John Lewis appearing in the top 10. Britain however, is not keen on shipping and ranked DHL and UPS more poorly than the global list.