WEDNESDAY 28 NOV 2012 11:44 AM


The British Horse Society has decided to lead the company through a journey of digital revolution. Teaming up with e3, the equestrian charity delightfully welcomes the launch of the digital rebranding programme including a new website, e-commerce membership system and other functionalities.

Emma Day, director of marketing, membership and communications at the British Horse Society, says the collaboration with e3 to improve the current site has received “extremely positive [feedback] around design, navigation and functionality”. She says,“[e3] embraced 12 departments and a wide remit of competing business demands and found a way to present information to fulfil our charitable objectives and meet the needs of our customers and members with clear user journeys.”

The modernisation aims to re-establish the British Horse Society as the locus of the horse world, serving the horse-riding enthusiasts, experts and professionals in a more efficient way. To foster more frequent interaction between the users and the organization, the new website includes essential information such as horse welfare, safety guidelines for riders, education and professional qualifications. Other digital media channels are also included for supporting the website to sustain better access to the information of the organization. Users can now gain easy access to the organization’s database, due to the installation of the innovative regional landing pages, to collect both local and national information in one quick search.

The rebranding campaign also includes an e-commerce membership system, allowing online card payments and direct debits while members can manage their online accounts at their convenience. While the new website benefits the users, the organization can also gain from this digital evolution, for instance, locating customers’ pool to conduct analysis for better marketing strategies.

This continuous modernization of utilizing both digital and social media is managed, architected and monitored by the digital agency, IndigoBlue. The hard work done by the digital giant has already paid off – 250 members have signed up for the monthly direct debit option just in the first two weeks of the launch.

With the early success of the collaboration, the three companies look forward to more prospective benefits in 2013, which includes a fully established personalized membership session and an integrated platform to implement a new CRM system.

Nicola Hinds, head of strategy at e3 says “e3 worked closely with the British Horse Society stakeholders, IndigoBlue and other partners to develop a fluid user experience and technically robust site. A full and effective online membership process was key to this delivery. We look forward to further developing exciting site features and the membership offering in the coming months with the British Horse Society teams.”