What do a lighthouse, a cow and financial services have in common? The EMCAS rebrand, designed by The Partners.
EMCAS, a Devon-based claims management company has unveiled a new identity to emphasise its ethical approach to claims management. The Partners designed Devon-inspired branding evocative of protesting placards for use in EMCAS’ communications materials.
Paul Twivy, strategic consultant to The Partners, says of the strapline, “The ‘re’ of ‘reclaiming’ is particularly important. EMCAS are not claiming money, they are returning to their customers what is rightfully theirs.”
EMCAS has sought to emphasise its ethics in response to the poor reputation many other claims management firms have established. The newly rebranded material will be released in print and online to communicate to customers the efficacy and reliability of the brand.
Any opposition will have one defiant pincer crab to deal with.