There are only nine days remaining to take part in the PRCA’s In-House Benchmarking Survey. Last year’s results emphasised the need of PR teams to make their relevance to business strategy more apparent to the corporate leadership.
Only this year’s survey can determine if that, among other trends and forecasts, have been maintained or overturned.
In 2012, most respondents marked print media as the most important distribution tool, with online communications a near second. Digital has become an increasingly more important tool for PR, but those in the industry may still find print to be the preeminent mode of communication.
This year’s survey will focus on the use of agencies and examine client-agency relations. Last year, the survey found that less than half of in-house teams use agencies regularly and less than a third use freelancers. However, the Design Industry Voices survey points to an increased use of freelancers by agencies and another PRCA survey has seen an increase in the amount of retained work being driven to agencies. The Benchmarking survey will clarify the way in which agencies and in-house teams collaborate.
The survey will be open until 1 February and seeks responses from all in-house communications professionals. The PRCA and its partners YouGov and Communicate will analyse the results and report on trends.