Online brand protection can be as slippery as bottle of sunblock on a hot day.
Content verification company, Project Sunblock provides services which vet international websites before branded content appears on foreign websites. The service has since been extended to include as languages as diverse as Korean and Polish, with a full offering of 11 languages.
The communications efforts in the emerging markets of Asia and MENA must align with that of Western Europe and the United States. In providing a website verification service for advertising and branded content, Project Sunblock can ease the transition of these brands into new markets.
COO at Project Sunblock, Andrew Goode, says. “The ability to recognise in real time, inappropriate content is paramount to being able to protect advertisers from appearing in brand damaging environments. Project Sunblock’s leading technology has been developed specifically to ensure that the highest standards of brand safety are employed for our clients.”
The expansion of the service to include Hebrew, Arabic and Korean reflects a wider move of marketing and brand activities into the MENA and East Asian regions. Many international marketing agencies have begun to broaden their scopes to include these regions under their remit. Additionally, brands are seeking out new markets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa as fertile ground for the growing consumer classes.