The Living Group is announcing its study on social media and brand content for professional services firms. The Living Ratings survey has a long history in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Annual Reporting in joined-up financial communications.
Living Ratings developed a study after a wide analysis of social media communications in the UK with focus on the leading legal and accountancy firms. With social media’s rising importance to global communications today, companies increasingly need to link social media, microsites and websites.
Thus, companies are required to create and publish more original, unique and compelling branded content and material. To assist companies in the development of these materials, the report rates the UK’s leading legal and accountancy firm’s social media communications across the criteria: brand presence, brand content, Twitter frequency and response.
Among the accountancy firms, Deloitte ranked as the leader in both brand presence and influence. However, it is second in brand content, Twitter frequency and response. As a firm that provides advisory services, Deloitte uses social media channels as a tool to disseminate media-rich branded content and this company’s website home page features links to social media venues such as its Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube accounts, RSS feed and its blog.
Regarding the Law firms, Eversheds was used as the example and is recognized for its commitment to a wide range of social media channels and its website home page has links to its Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube accounts and RSS feed. However, although Eversheds is ranked as the leader in Brand presence, it is not the leader in influence, which tracks mentions, retweets or replies, leaving the position to Taylor Wessing; showing that even though the company is present in a wide range of social media channels, the content being shared is not necessarily influencial. In brand content and Twitter frequency, Eversheds ranked in third place and in response it ranked in fifth.