Effectively Norway’s version of the Royal Meteorological Society, whose own branding could use some work, the Meteorolgisk Institutt in Oslo has unveiled a weather-driven identity. Created by Oslo design agency Neue, the rebrand replaces an outdated sphere-and-weather-lines and italic typeface wordmark.
While the Institutt’s website may not have been revolutionised by the rebrand, the new logo and subbrands are a minimalist sight to behold. The main logo features a circle with a zigzag line beneath it. Not exactly a clichéd representation of weather. Subbrands for different locations and areas of the business include variations on the squiggly line.
Neue says the circle represent the organisation’s dual missions to share knowledge and focus on how knowledge is conveyed. Meteorologisk Institutt says, “The circle and the curve in the logo illustrates two important items with us: The earth and the atmosphere, and the free flow of data and knowledge dissemination. The logo is the stamp that comes our social mission: to protect life and property.”
The minimalist approach is unique to the sector and represents a clear break from the Institutt’s previous mindset toward branding.