THURSDAY 13 FEB 2014 10:40 AM


Measurement and evaluation of communications used to be easy. Well, if not easy, then at least simple. In PR, if you succeeded, your client was represented in print. You could then take a ruler to the newspaper column and actually count how many inches, and thus deduce how much relevance, the client appeared in. These days, even when disregarding social media as a news distributor and focusing on mainstream, measurement is nowhere near as straightforward. New metrics and analyses of reputation and comms effectiveness in the media are necessary. 

is fast approaching. It will bring together the leaders of communications from around the world. The forum will examine measurement and evaluation at the conference through the launch the Global Media Communications Map.The World Communication Forum in Davos

, measured media mentions of 160 countries in G20 countries. This allows for a metric to understand the reputation of individual medias in G20 countries. The map will be interactive during the forum, allowing participants to gain further insight into international PR, media measurement and communications evaluation. RIA Novosti and Public.ruThe forum coordinators, alongside

celebrating excellence in measurement and evaluation. Previous winners include a number of British charities and public organisations, MENA-based telecoms companies and Anna Iles from Specsavers who took home the inaugural 'awards programme as well. That organisation’s annual summit meeting is set to take place in Amsterdam in early June. It aims to put the lessons of the last year into action in practice. As is customary, the AMEC International Summit, held this year in Amsterdam, will feature an AMECEvaluation and measurement is a key focus of Best AMEC College international certificate dissertation' award in 2013. Entries are being accepted until 28 February.