The esteemed four-star rated South African Airways (SAA), the national carrier for South Africa, has undergone a redesign by brand consultancy, The Brand Union and global travel and transport design consultancy, Priestmangoode.
South African Airways sought to move away from being an extension of the tourism industry to become a globally relevant airline that embodies African luxury. The new look incorporates both sophistication and elegance promoting SAA on a national and global scale.
Head of marketing at SAA says, “The aircraft redesign forms part of a larger project that addresses the overall visual language of SAA across its passenger touch-points.”
Director of Priestmangoode, Luke Hawes adds, “Its design reflects the nation, which will appeal both home and globally, and offers great commitment to the passenger experience.” The new fleet of A320 aircrafts for SAA are the first to boast the redesign and new brand identity. A focal point for the brand implementation was the airline interior design. The new aircrafts will reflect the new brand values and visual identity through colour, patterns and materials to provide an airline which previously had little brand continuity with a redesign that presents timeless fluidity.
Managing director of The Brand Union Africa, Gary Bryant says, “We're delighted with how Priestman Goode interpreted our vision of African premium. It will go a long way to strengthen SAA's standing as a prestigious airline.”
The redesign offers promising prospects to the airline, for both the present and the future, to remain a top rated national carrier.