FRIDAY 25 JUL 2014 1:38 PM


In internal communications, there is always something to debate. The field is ever-changing and responds to many different areas of the business on a daily basis. Areas of discussion, then, are never the same.

The annual CIPR Inside conference, which will take place on 2 October at the London Oval, is set to be a day of thought-provoking presentations, conversation and networking. The theme of this year's conference will be 'Changing behaviour for better business.'

Jenni Wheller, CIPR Inside chair and head of internal communications at SSP UK chair says, “Changing behaviour is central to successful internal communication. Good internal communications helps businesses and organisations to do business, more effectively, efficiently, safely, truthfully and responsibly. Making the connection between great communication and better business is what takes internal communication to a strategic level, gets buy in from leadership and demonstrates its success.”

As the rate of change never slows, this year’s conference will be run entirely by the CIPR Inside group, with little involvement from CIPR UK itself. With an audience of 200 expected, the programme will also feature some changes from last year’s event. The day will begin with a keynote by social technologist Benjamin Ellis before 15 minute lightning discussions begin and the beginning of some unconference-style sessions. After lunch, the programme picks up again with case study-led sessions.

The format change is a response to comments from the last conference and from the group’s annual survey. It allows for more networking time and discussion about the challenges and issues internal communicators face every day.

The conference should address issues in engaging leadership, measuring success, employee engagement, change comms and other issues. Early bird booking is accepted until 8 September.