Yesterday, CIPR presidential nominee Andy Green, a PR and creative consultant, announced via Twitter that he would be stepping out of the race for the CIPR presidency for 2017. On Green's blog, he notes that he intended to run in order to avoid the CIPR presidency going uncontested, as it has done for the past two years. He also notes, "I had also hoped to create an opportunity for an open debate about the future of public relations and of the institute. Running for president has frankly been a mixed experience where I have since lost the appetite and desire to lead the organization," and says he will be resigning from CIPR after 27 years of membership.
But the show must go on. Following an official submission to the returning officer, chief executive Alastair McCapra, received around noon today, the race changed. According to the CIPR's electoral rules, a 48-hour window is now open for members to submit any concerns over the election process. If no concerns are raised, the election will be awarded to Green's opponent Jason MacKenzie, exective board director for the CIPR and MD at Liquid. If a valid concern is raised, it will be addressed for a period of 10 days, after which, the result of the election will be declared.
MacKenzie's election statement champions professionalisation, developing the CIPR community and increasing membership. "We must build on the work of recent years by continuing to engage our members and re-energise the Institute. This begins with fostering two-way communication. There should be no two-tier membership of those 'in the know' and those on the fringes," his statement reads.
MacKenzie serves as chairman of the CIPR's professional practices committee. He was regional chairman and a national council member from 2008-2011 and was reelected to the council in 2013 and 2014.
Last year, Rob Brown's election ran uncontested, as did Sarah Pinch's before that. In 2012, when selecting the 2013 president-elect, an election between lobbyist and public affairs expert Lionel Zetter and communications consultant Miti Ampoma was rerun after controversy. Stephen Waddington, now chief engagement officer at Ketchum, was elected soundly in the rerun.
The 48-hour period will end on 5pm on Sunday, 4 October.