A disease frequently portrayed in novels and films, Alzheimer’s is much more than a fiction, but a reality that over 50 million people have to deal with globally.
The World Health Organization revealed the shocking figure that people develop dementia every five seconds. The alarming rise of dementia and Alzheimer’s cases and, at the same time, the decrease in sufferers’ life expectancies means public awareness is disproportionate to the effect the disease has on patients, their families and friends.
Global charity that focuses on dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease International has joined forces with AI-powered platform, Lobster, to come up with a pioneering way to donate to not-for-profit organisations that fight for good causes. The collaboration resulted in the creation of Memory Donation.
Memory Donation references the analogy between billions of memories being shared on the internet daily and millions of memories fading in patients’ minds. With this analogy as the starting point, the campaign encourages Lobster users to donate a memory in the form of a photo or video to help spread the word and drive donations for Alzheimer’s causes, locally and internationally.
Taking part in the campaign is easy as users simply need to sign up to Lobster, upload the image or video they want to contribute to social media and use the hashtag #memorydonation. Lobster’s AI technology automatically puts the photo or video for sale to creatives, designers and the media, with all proceeds going to the local Alzheimer’s Disease International department.
Leo Burnett Moscow also contributed to the project.
Founded in 2013, Lobster is a platform powered by AI that has been active in the industry for five years. The platform gives the opportunity to brands, agencies and the media to license visual content directly from social media users and cloud archives. Therefore, the creators can disclose their social outlets accounts into the Lobster platform, so people can access their content. Additionally, Lobster can contact creators of unlisted content, offering them a quicker licensing process, by which the creator gains 75% of profits.
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