TUESDAY 24 JUL 2018 1:02 PM


After the recent announcement of the EVCOM Industry Awards 2018 sporting a new, bolder and braver format, and in the middle of its website renovation, Evcom has announced the appointment of a new board in the framework of a general company makeover.

After assuming the position of the new chair, Rachel Pendered, managing director at Media Zoo, publicised a reform of the company, translating in three new vice-chairs appointed by herself, Paul Stoddard of CWT M&E, Andrew Reid of Shelton Fleming and Sara Cooper of Plastic Pictures representing live events, digital and screen respectively.  The new vice-chairs are meant to lead the delivery of member benefits to live, screen and digital segments of the membership.  

Pendered says, “The rapid pace and scale of disruption that we are seeing to the political and commercial landscape means that the companies that EVCOM represents no longer look the same.  They are evolving, adapting and changing.  The shifts may be subtle, but they are profound.  We have to make EVCOM relevant and valuable to its members not just today but tomorrow.”

Amelia Shepherd of TRO, Miles Latham of Affixxius, Dagmar Mackett of drp group and Spencer Gore of EMJ Reviews, are also new additions to the board, while Dale Parmenter from drp group is no longer a member of the board but remains as an adviser to the board along with Pete Stevenson of The Edge Picture Company on policy and campaigning matters.

Pender says, “I truly believe that in the incoming board we have an extraordinary group of people, women and men who are at the top of their games. After the AGM the new board will sit for the first time to create a strategy that I believe will help us provide real value for members. Our focus.  How can our association best serve you in these disrupted times of both challenge and opportunity?”


The new board’s full list includes :

Rachel Pendered, Media Zoo 

Sara Cooper, Plastic Pictures 

Andrew Reid, Shelton Fleming 

Paul Stoddart, CWT M&E 

Dagmar Mackett, drp Group 

Jason Wilcock, Worldspan Group plc 

Amelia Shepherd, TRO 

Miles Latham, Affixxius 

Spencer Gore, EMJ Reviews 

Jenny Varley, HSBC 

Andrew Smith, a-vision 

Andrew Winterburn, Meetings Inn 

JJ Jackson, Performing Artistes 

Pete Stevenson, non-executive chair, the Edge Picture Company 

Dale Parmenter, non-executive chair, drp group


Read more about EVCOM Industry Awards’ new format here.

Enter the EVCOM Industry Awards’ agency and in-house team categories until September 10 here.

Book Autumn Awards Lunch at Tobacco Dock here.


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