Forget foundation garments and walk-in bathtubs, the over 55s are attracted to sexy brands and over a third will buy into new products before the general population, separate studies published this week show.
Research into subconscious response to brands by marketing and management consultancy Brilliant Noise posits that marketers are missing a trick by playing it safe with older customers.
"Saga and Debenhams should be more like M&S, SunLife and L’Oreal or they risk losing silver consumers’ loyalty," said Brilliant Noise CEO Antony Mayfield.
The survey, based on a version of the Harvard Implicit Association Test involving 1,000 nationally representative UK consumers, showed that brands unconsciously associated with being sexy score higher with silver shoppers than any other demographic.
The UK’s 12m baby boomers make up one sixth of the population but account for 80% of the nation’s wealth, and one in five is a millionaire, according to launch marketing agency Five By Five Global.
Research it commissioned involving 1,000 over 55s showed that 35% will adopt new products and services before the general public and the 39% cite digital media as their main source of information.
Five by Five client services director George Roberts, said, "Despite perceptions of being out-of-touch, Boomers have an important role to play in driving the adoption of new products. They’ve lived through numerous innovation cycles and have significant spending power. Marketers would be wise to factor Boomers into their launches."