Global digital transformation business, Kin + Carta, have released a new study revealing that charities are among the top performing British businesses when it comes to diversity and inclusion.
The Kin + Carta Business Resilience Index 2021 assessed FTSE 100 and B Corp businesses across 10 industries, looking at agility, responsibility, humanity and maturity. It also considered varying business models, working practices, long-term purpose and balancing people, purpose and profit.
The British Red Cross was at the top of the leaderboard in relation to diversity and inclusion, with a score of 63.8%. In the ‘responsibility’ category alone, the charity was individually praised for ‘leading on climate change transparency and performance’ and the energy efficiency of its digital platforms.
Other charities near the top of the rankings in terms of diversity metrics were the NSPCC, British Heart Foundation and National Trust. Claire Robinson, customer experience director at Kin + Carta Europe, says, "Charities have been able to avoid the worst impacts of 'The Great Resignation.' The message is clear for the private sector - invest in diverse, flexible and inclusive working environments to attract and retain talent."
The oil, gas and utilities sector also scored highly in the ‘responsibility’ category. Coventry based water company, Severn Trent scored particularly well and ranked third with 15%. BP placed eleventh out of 100 brands, partly due to its transition from an oil to an integrated energy company.
Financial services scored poorly in responsibility, especially in comparison to their strong performances in agility, maturity and humanity sections. Across the financial services industry, Aviva was the stand out leader, scoring tenth across all brands and third overall in ‘energy efficiency of the digital estate.’
“The public mood is shifting and traditional shareholder capitalism will increasingly take a back seat to stakeholder capitalism as the planetary and societal impacts of business operations take centre stage. ‘Responsibility’ was still the lowest scoring factor for brands across the Index as a whole but there has never been a more pressing time to invest in the people who power your business - your customers and employees,” adds Robinson.