TUESDAY 26 OCT 2021 11:25 AM


Independent speciality coffee roaster brand, Pact Coffee, has launched a campaign to highlight the ESG challenges facing the coffee industry, and compel consumers to think more consciously about where produce comes from.

Two billion cups of coffee are consumed each day, but Pact Coffee seeks to highlight the darker issues behind the industry, from low wages and complex supply chains to bargain beans and climate change. It takes the average farmer three years to produce speciality coffee, yet 70% of farmers worldwide are living below the poverty line. Pact Coffee is working towards fair trade and prices, quality produce, long-term relationships and sustainable farming practices.

Creative studio, Ourselves, devised the campaign to raise awareness of these problems and highlight the brands efforts to implement change. The visual campaign calls for consumers to ‘Wake up and smell the unfairness’ with slogans such as ‘Two sugars won’t hide the bitter truth,’ and ‘Coffee break? Coffee is broken.’

Alongside outdoor advertising on billboards and public transport, local radio stations will also share the campaign. The use of witty and reactive language directly captures the audience’s attention before making them think about the deeper message.

Paul Turton, chief executive officer at Pact Coffee, says, “After nearly ten years of quietly challenging the norms of the coffee industry, enough is enough and now we’re excited to be raising our voices and taking our mission to the streets of London.”

“This campaign marks a huge step change for Pact Coffee as a leader in the speciality coffee industry and we hope that it will compel consumers, businesses and other coffee brands to sit up, take note and join us in finding a better way to make, enjoy and serve coffee,” adds Turton.

Media buying was supported by Squadron Venture Media. Find out more about Pact Coffee and its ESG comittments here.