This campaign uses animation technology to bring Kiyan Prince, a 15-year old football prodigy who was stabbed and killed in 2005, back to life. FIFA 21 and Queen’s Park Rangers collaborated with the Kiyan Prince Foundation to create an engaging film and anti-knife campaign, targeting young people through gaming and social media.
This video campaign titled ‘Long Live the Prince’ brings football, gaming and sponsorship together to promote a charitable foundation and social cause. Launching today, 18 May, the short film shows Kiyan Prince signing for his former football club, Queen’s Park Rangers. He is shown with the shirt number ‘30’ to reflect the age he would be today.
The video was put together by ENGINE creative on an entirely bro-pono basis. Billy Faithful, chief creative office at ENGINE, says, “The younger and more marginalised an audience are, the harder they are to reach, so our starting point was to think about how to connect Kiyan’s powerful story with kids who are virtually immune to traditional knife-crime advertising. Getting to them through gaming, influence networks and sponsorship felt like a unique and effective medium to speak to them and help The Kiyan Prince Foundation continue its vital work.”
FIFA joined the campaign by introducing Kiyan Prince as playable character in the world’s biggest video game, EA SPORTS FIFA 21. Match Attax, collectable card brand, has also created Kiyan Prince playing cards, with Adidas listed as a sponsor.
Cutting edge ageing-projection software developed the image of Kiyan, before Framestore design studio and photoreal artist Chris Scalf, used AI technology to create the high definition animated video.
The short film will be shown to young people across social and earned media. A series of advertisements will be run on press and out of home platforms. Footballer Raheem Sterling is among several celebrities sharing the campaign using the hashtag #longlivetheprince.