WEDNESDAY 5 MAY 2021 12:30 PM


Unemployment in the UK has risen to 4.9% according to government estimates. This campaign from LinkedIn directly responds to the impact of redundancies and works to show the opportunities for those trying to get their career back on track.

LinkedIn teamed up with creative agency, VCCP and comms and social agency, Brands2Life, to connect with those members affected by redundancy and highlight the support on offer.

The TV-led campaign shows a houseplant named Robert slowly returning back to life as its owner, Vik, uses LinkedIn to connect and find opportunities for growth in the face of unemployment.

The campaign launched last week as the UK gradually prepares to emerge from lockdown and job roles and opportunities are beginning to look more optimistic.

Darain Faraz, director, brand marketing at LinkedIn, says, “The pandemic has changed how our members interact with LinkedIn - we’ve seen extraordinary engagement on the platform and countless heart-warming examples of the LinkedIn community coming together to support each other through these challenging times.”

Running for seven weeks, this campaign will be shown as restrictions continue to ease.  LinkedIn also plans to use the hashtag #KeepGrowing, while also running a challenge on TikTok in the second half of the campaign.

The emotive campaign aims to increase engagement with audiences affected by the pandemic, in turn improving engagement with the LinkedIn platform and services on offer.

The music ‘Waiting on a Song’ plays in the background of the video, touching on the difficulty that jobseekers have simply waiting for responses or for an opportunity to grow.

“We wanted our creative to tell the story that on LinkedIn it's the small steps that make the big difference, and you don't need the loudest voice to be heard,” adds Matt Lloyd, executive creative director at VCCP.

The 60-second video will be shown across TV, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. It will also utilise the LinkedIn platform, where influencers will talk about their career growth in line with the #KeepGrowing theme.