THURSDAY 28 OCT 2021 11:55 AM


NatWest created a new social media video series featuring Manchester United goalkeeper, Emily Ramsey, to help raise awareness of financial planning and saving habits among young people.

Emily Ramsey recently signed a two-year contract with Manchester United ahead of a loan move to Birmingham City. As a popular and current role model among young people, she was the ideal partner for NatWes to engage with a younger audience and raise awareness of financial issues.

To further target a younger demographic, the four-part video series will be released on social media. Each episode shows Ramsey discussing her experiences of saving, goal setting and goal keeping, with references to her football career relating back to the issue of building financial resilience.

The videos work to provide young people with short actionable tips to improve financial stability both now and in the future. The wider campaign focuses on the bank’s Digital Regular Saver product, NatWest’s account for building a savings habit.

Ramsey says, “As a professional goalkeeper, I’ve developed a habit of regularly saving on the pitch and that discipline has also helped me in managing my money off the pitch.” She recalls saving for a pair of football boots as one of her earliest memories setting financial goals.

The video shows Ramsey discussing her different saving goals, from a pair of football boots to a car and eventually a house deposit. “From my first car to my first flat, saving off the pitch has had an immensely positive impact on my saving on the pitch. Setting those personal financial goals has supported me to achieve my professional ones,” she adds.

The first video of the social media series was shared on Emily’s Instagram, with the remaining three to be published over the coming weeks.