Fabric dyeing generates 20% of the world’s wastewater. Ralph Lauren has launched its new campaign ‘Colour on Demand’ to actively respond to the issue of sustainability and increase consumer awareness of the brand’s environmental efforts.
Launched to coincide with World Water Day, Ralph Lauren unveiled its ‘Colour on Demand’ campaign to elevate its new dyeing platform. The platform will enable the reuse and recycling of all water from the dyeing process. It also promises to reduce the amount of chemicals, dye, time and energy used.
The short video points towards the environmental impact of cotton dyeing as text travels across the screen, ‘trillions of litres of water are used in fabric dyeing’, ‘causing water pollution, scarcity and waste’.
The video seamlessly combines rich blue images of the ocean with dye droplets in a high definition and simple backdrop to the text on the screen.
A key part of Ralph Lauren’s campaign strategy is the creation of ‘the world’s first scalable zero wastewater cotton dyeing system.’ The platform solution uses multiple technologies with the clear ambition to deliver the worlds first scalable zero wastewater cotton dyeing system. Being the world’s first helps to establish Ralph Lauren as an innovator at the forefront of global sustainability efforts.
“Traditional colour dyeing is one of the most polluting practices in our industry, and as a global brand, we recognized the need to create a scalable solution,” said Halide Alagöz, chief product and sustainability officer at Ralph Lauren.
The organisation brought together four companies with different industry expertise to advise on the project, including Dow, a leader in material science and Jeanologia, a leader in sustainable solutions for garment fabric.
Like many other big global brands, Ralph Lauren is under the spotlight in terms of its ethical and environmental impact. It has since committed to emit hazardous chemicals from its supply chain and reduce water waste by 2015.
Colour on Demand is a wide scale global effort as Ralph Lauren aims to use the platform in more than 80% of the company’s solid cotton products. The short video shared across social channels brought attention the scheme and condensed it into an aesthetic and striking video for the consumer.