FRIDAY 3 SEP 2021 2:07 PM


The Royal Navy has launched a new video highlighting the complexities of cultural identity in the UK. Putting a creative spin on the ‘Made in the Royal Navy’ campaign, this video works to ensure diversity and inclusion is at the heart of its recruitment process.

Engine Creative developed the video titled ‘Raj’s Story’ telling the story of Lt. Raj, a serving Naval officer in the submarine service. It shows his journey from childhood as he grew up between cultures in West London.

The new campaign puts a creative spin on the well-known “Made in the Royal Navy” creative which focuses on Royal Navy recruits evolving into their best selves in training. By telling Raj’s story, the campaign demonstrates how difficult it can be to understand your identity growing up as an ethnic minority in the UK.

It explores the feeling of being stuck between cultures, as Raj explains how the Royal Navy helped him discover pride in his identity. The film begins with Lt. Raj tying his turban on before a parade and thinking about his childhood as faced with family disapproval about his decision to join the Royal Navy. The use of a voice over creates an authentic campaign as it allows Raj to tell his own story of how the Roy Navy helped him to rediscover pride in his Sikh identity.

The video was a runner-up in the Channel 4 diversity competition, which focused on the authentic portrayal of UK BAME cultures. Paul Colley, head of marketing, recruitment and attraction at Royal Navy, says, “The £250,000 of free air time allowed the Royal Navy to provide a different and indeed unique insight into life in the Royal Navy through the eyes of serving Lt Raj. His story is a reflection of diversity in its truest sense and the life you can lead in the Royal Navy.”

Billy Faithfull, chief creative officer at Engine Creative, says, “Made In The Royal Navy is only as successful as it is authentic. When we heard about Raj’s life from the man himself, it was a complex story of conflict and dual identity in a part of British society, Sikhism, you never see in advertising. We’re proud to have played a part in shining a little light on this underrepresented culture, and add another authentic chapter to the ‘Made In’ story.”

The 60-second film will run for two weeks from 6 September on Channel 4 and 4OD.