Volunteer professionals have launched the ‘Gift of Communication’ to provide not-for-profit organisations with expertise from volunteer comms professionals. The scheme aims to support local charities in their comms work.
Members of both the Company of Communicators and the International Association of Business Communicators UK & Ireland, volunteered to help run the scheme.
Neil Griffiths, Company of Communicators junior warden and IABC fellow, says, “We wanted to extend the impact of our members’ expertise to benefit organisations doing important work in the City and beyond.”
The first move was a virtual session, which ran at the end of last month, offering insight from over 30 volunteers to support the 10 not-for-profit organisations in attendance.
Participants discussed a range of areas including internal comms and engagement, digital and social media, PR and external comms.
Rachel Woolf, attending from homelessness charity, Street Storage, says, “The volunteers seemed really engaged and enthused about what we are doing and where we want to go,” providing “specific, relevant and practical ways to improve the charity’s own PR and comms.”
Following the success of the event and its positive feedback, more events are being planned for the future.
The Company of Communicators is part of the City of London trades associations and Guilds, while the IBAC is a non-for-profit network of communication practitioners globally.