THURSDAY 18 MAR 2021 12:53 PM


Construction materials currently account for 11% of global CO2 emissions. Stora Enso launched the Wood House Effect to create a greener approach to building materials and help mitigate the climate crisis.

Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wooden construction and paper. The new communications concept and digital content hub, ‘Let’s talk about the Wood House Effect,’ aims to push sustainability to the top of the construction industry’s agenda.

The Wood House Effect works to increase awareness of the benefits of using wood over traditional materials that are more harmful to the environment. Using wood as an alternative building material can reduce up to 75% of CO2 emissions compared to the use of concrete and steel.

“Today, sustainability is one of the most urgent global megatrends. People, companies and countries demand change. We at Stora Enso want to lead this change. Sustainability needs to be at the heart of everything we do and everything we say in our marketing and communication,” says Cathrine Wallenius, SVP marketing & communications at Stora Enso.

The campaign pushes Stora Enso to the front of the conversation around sustainability, increasing consumer awareness of the organisation as a pioneer and active researcher in the fight against climate change.

The research also highlights the benefit to employees as studies show that those working in wooden buildings have lower stress levels, increased productivity and higher creativity. Not only does the Wood House Effect target those clients and consumers focused on environmental sustainability, but also those corporations concerned with employee wellbeing in the workplace.

Globally, the messaging and design identity of Stora Enso has been developed to support the marketing team’s message of sustainability, wellbeing and innovation. The new style has a digital presence in the online hub, which provides a resource centre to share insights and research to support the campaign.