Global technology and data platform, Channel Factory, has launched The Conscious Project, combining technology, with education and awareness to support the comms industry and help improve diversity and inclusion in the video ecosystem.
Research from Channel Factory found that common elements of advertising unintentionally perpetuate racial, gender and other forms of bias. Tony Chen, CEO and founder at Channel Factory, says, “While we are far from finding permanent solutions to these problems, we are proactively working with our clients to develop technological solutions and strategies to help address this imbalance.”
A recent study conducted by cyber security solutions company, CHEQ, found that industry standard block lists, have restricted 93% of LGBTQ+ friendly YouTube channels. Channel Factory is helping brands to re-evaluate block lists and implement a proactive inclusion strategy.
Jonathan Marciano, director of communications at CHEQ, says, “In our research we have uncovered the shocking impact that keyword blocking and brand safety controls have on marginalised groups such as the LGBTQ+ community. We found, for instance, that words such as ‘lesbian’ ‘bisexual’ and ‘drag queens’ are placed as standard on brands' keyword exclusion lists with 73% of safe content being denied advertising dollars. Platforms and brands who take inclusion and diversity seriously should review their processes to ensure that minority voices are not being squeezed out, which often alienates the very audiences they are seeking to target.”
The Conscious Project will use human storytelling to celebrate creators, brands and communities that champion diverse, equitable and inclusive subject matter on YouTube. Channel Factory will work with its partners to highlight and support this content through inclusive targeting strategies that will open up advertising, sponsorship and revenue streams.
“People are not only more aware of what’s going on around them in the world right now – they are also, quite rightly, more vocal about social issues, local communities, and environmental sustainability,” says, Nick Graham, Client Partner at Infectious Media. “This sentiment needs to be reflected across every part of today’s successful businesses, from the objectives set in the boardroom all the way through to targeting and media choices within campaign planning. Everyone is accountable in ensuring today’s brands are representative of the communities they’re working with to create a more diverse and inclusive advertising ecosystem,” adds Graham.