MONDAY 28 JUN 2021 1:36 PM


The toolkit has been designed to empower businesses to use data more effectively and monitor the gender pay gap. This is part of WACL’s long-term goal to accelerate gender equality within business.

The launch of the toolkit follows WACL’s successful campaign calling on the UK government to reinstate Gender Pay Gap reporting. WACL partnered with the Charted Management Institute (CMI) and Fawcett Society to campaign for the reintroduction of mandatory gender pay gap reporting after it was put on hold due to Covid-19 in 2020.

WACL designed the toolkit to help businesses take a proactive step towards gender pay gap reporting. The Equality and Human Rights Commission has also announced it is looking to instate Ethnicity and Disability Pay Gap reporting by the end of the year.

“If you report, you’re only at the start of a critical journey. The subsequent action plan will result in a more diverse business, one which is happier and, ultimately, more profitable. This toolkit outlines steps we can all take,” says Jackie Stevenson, WACL president and founding partner & CEO of The Brooklyn Brothers.

A recent survey form the CMI showed that 85% of respondents support gender pay gap reporting while 80% support ethnicity pay gap reporting. A further two thirds support mandatory gender pay gap reporting, while the same proportion want to extend pay gap reporting to SME-sized companies with 250 employees or less. 

Ann Francke OBE, chief executive of the CMI says, “We are delighted to celebrate the WACL GPG Toolkit launch. It is absolutely full of practical tips on how to close your Gender Pay Gap. I urge any business that is serious about equality, diversity and inclusion to read it as a matter of urgency. My sincere thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen.”