Google has been named the most well-known global brand, ahead of major names like McDonalds, Coke, and IBM.
The ranking, compiled annually by Millward Brown, is based on its BrandZ consumer research as well as data from Datamonitor and Bloomberg. The report claims that the last 12 months of financial turmoil have seen the value of the top 100 global brands actually increase by 2% to $2 trillion.
In its valuation process, Millward Brown analysed three factors for each brand: brand earnings – the proportion of the company’s earnings generated under the banner of the brand; brand contribution – the degree to which these earnings were generated due to the close bond between the brand and its consumers; and brand multiple – the growth potential of the brand-driven earnings.
Google came out on top overall. Second was Microsoft, and third, Coca-Cola. Google was also the number one for the technology rankings, followed by Microsoft, IBM and Apple. Google’s brand value in 2009 is up 16%, from $86 billion to $100 billion.
In its report, Millward Brown points out that five of the top 10 in the BrandZ top 100 are technology brands. It explains that this reflects the strength and velocity of the technology category, which grew by 2% last year.