TUESDAY 17 MAY 2011 11:18 PM


The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) returned to surplus in 2010, according to its annual Financial Statement.

Citing its “structural review, improved cost management and a focus on the more effective delivery of core member services”, the CIPR says it met its budget for the years and made a surplus of £372,530 in the year to 31 December 2010. Revenue from membership subscriptions rose by 2%.

“An enormous amount of hard work by our staff, members, fellows, volunteers and partners has resulted in an Institute that is back in surplus and engaged with its members,” said CIPR president Jay O’Connor.

CEO Jane Wilson added: “Outlook for 2011 remains cautious due to significant economic constraints and cuts in private, public and voluntary sector organisations, all of which may have an impact on the PR profession.”