WEDNESDAY 11 MAY 2016 9:17 AM


A survey of over 500 internal communications professionals found that over one third do not have a sound comms strategy in place.

Of those that do, half review it on either a yearly or an ad hoc basis.

The annual IC market survey, ‘Inside Insight’, is conducted by global recruitment specialist for corp comms, VMA Group. The study reveals key industry trends, the skills demanded by employers, advocacy at board level and the future of the profession.

Andrew Harvey, director of internal communications practice at VMA Group, says, “Without a strong internal communications plan in place that is aligned to business goals it will be impossible for professionals to demonstrate to the board the real value of their work. This, in turn, will only exacerbate the recurring belief that internal comms is ‘fluffy’ and a nice to have, rather than a critical business function.”

One survey respondent, Drew McMillan, head of internal communications & innovation at Virgin Trains says, “There’s a common complaint amongst IC professionals that we are not taken as seriously as some other enabling functions in our organisation. Why should we be if we don’t apply the most fundamental management principles to our work?”

He adds, “A strategy shouldn’t be a dusty tome left on a shelf. It is a living, breathing and (at best) very simple roadmap aligned to the ‘parent’ strategy of the organisation. Get it right and both you and your stakeholders will see the benefits.”


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