Over a quarter of businesses do not have a social media, internet or email policy in place.
A growing number of employers are concerned with the impact accessing social media sites might have on their organisations, as 15% UK adult workers are logging on at least once per hour during the working day, a YouGov survey reveals.
With social media proving a vital communications tool, workplace information providers, Croner, who commissioned the survey, were keen to identify its benefits.
Amy Paxton, senior employment consultant at Croner, says:"Even though social media still presents itself as a challenge to many businesses it doesn't have to. And if companies want to be seen as innovative, exciting and dynamic then they may wish to hop on the social media bandwagon and start to future-proof their business."
But where do employers draw the line between personal and business use?
Paxton says: “Traditionally employers have had a knee-jerk reaction to social media, some wanting to dismiss employees for gross misconduct. However, this could result in claims for unfair dismissal.
"Additionally, when faced with such situations, employers may also want to introduce a complete ban on accessing social media sites. While this is an understandable approach, employers need to consider the potential benefits for their business if employees make positive use of social media.”