Public relations leaders believe the budget will benefit the industry.
The PR Leaders’ Panel 2012 Budget Survey, which questioned leading public relations and public affairs professionals, reveals 42% believe it will have a positive impact on their organisation.
The majority of industry professionals welcome the budget announcements as beneficial for the country, while 28% thought the budget had a negative effect on them personally.
Francis Ingham, PRCA chief executive, said: “These are interesting figures which indicate that the current Downing Street team are delivering their messages rather better than the men who’d like to evict them. PR Leaders think the budget is good for their business and good for the country, even if more of them are going to lose out personally than are going to gain."
When asked who they trust to handle the economy, more than three quarters opted for David Cameron and George Osborne, as opposed to Ed Miliband and Ed Balls.
The budget, announced by George Osborne on 21 March, outlined its key aims as producing a stable economy, to introduce a fairer, simpler tax system and to initiate reforms to support growth.