TUESDAY 24 APR 2012 2:19 PM


In the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, BP’s corporate reputation is evidently making a steady recovery.

The oil and gas giant was named the biggest improver in the UK RepTrak Pulse 2012 survey; however its reputation is still ranked as ‘weak’.

BP’s reputation score, which is ranked out of 100, currently stands at 58.41 and saw an almost 15 point increase from 2011.

In 2010, in the wake of the disaster, the oil giant saw the biggest ever decline by one company, dropping by almost 20 points to an “At risk” score of 43.46.

Another survey assessing the perception of BP’s endeavours to rebuild its reputation revealed similarly positive results.

Marketing recruiter EMR questioned more than 200 brand marketers, and found that three months after news of the spill first hit, 57% said they would take a job with the oil giant.

Alongside this, 90% of brand marketers believed the brand would recover completely over the long term.

BP puts the total damages at around $22 billion, including fines and clean-up costs.


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