MONDAY 23 JUN 2014 12:05 PM


As part of its ongoing launch EVCOM has announced eight new board members. The candidates were voted in by members at the organisation’s first annual general meeting.

EVCOM is the outcome of a merger between Eventia and the International Visual Communications Association. The 20 people standing for election included nine former members of the IVCA, as well as new candidates and former Eventia members.

The EVCOM trade association now represents more than 500 communication businesses, the newly elected board will be required to address some of the issues affecting the industry.

Board member and IVCA CEO Marco Forgione says, “It’s a huge, exciting time for us, and more broadly for the industries that we represent. We will be the largest and most progressive trade association, with an expansive national and international remit delivering enhanced services and representation for the industry. We’ve been operating as a shadow board for several months; it’s been a process of progression. We’ve got to know each other, so the teams are very used to working together.”

The newly elected candidates were announced at an AGM preceded by a senior advisory council that brought together senior professionals from the live events and visual communication industry. Topics discussed include industry collision and globalisation, effectiveness and metrics around ROI, and the elections and economic landscape.

For a list of elected candidates click here.


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