Tesco is continuing to align itself with healthy living as it joins forces with the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. The partnership represents the first time that the two charities have come together to tackle both cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes in one single effort.
As well as raising money for the charities, Tesco aims to raise awareness of a healthy lifestyle. The risk of both heart disease and diabetes can be reduced by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, Tesco’s prevalence in the food industry makes it well placed to tackle these issues.
The three organisations will be looking for ways to encourage healthy eating and healthy cooking habits, and will encourage people to choose foods low in sugar, saturated fats, and salt.
Greg Sage, community director at Tesco, says, “Using our collective scale and expertise, we’re going to make a real and positive difference to millions of customers’ lives. Over the next few months we’ll be working on the details of exactly how we’ll do that, so watch this space.”
Tesco recently launched a healthy food brand with products that include controlled levels of salt in accordance with the supermarket’s ‘responsibility deal’ commitments to the government. The charity partnership will launch in early 2015 with Tesco aiming to raise millions of pounds for both charities.