World AIDS Day raises awareness of HIV as a continuing, global threat. Many show support for sufferers and commemorate those who have died while joining together to fight the spread of the virus.
Durex and the MTV Staying Alive Foundation encourage open conversation around sex and sexual health. Their Someone Like Me project launched on World AIDS Day in 2013 and became a year-round initiative in 2014.
This year, Someone Like Me is using video to dispel the myths and stigma that still surround HIV. The video has been released on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and is called "Don’t Let HIV Outsmart You".
The video, created by strategic digital agency LOOP, suggests that even sexually confident adults can have questions when it comes to protecting themselves against HIV.
As a supplier of condoms Durex is well suited to the initiative and 10m condoms were given away during the 2013 World AIDS Day campaign. MTV's Staying Alive Foundation is a long-running HIV prevention initiative that targets the young people who are most engaged with MTV's brand and who are also most at risk of contracting HIV.
Someone Like Me aims to encourage conversation, rather than preaching. Social media is therefore an important tool. Georgia Arnold, executive director of the MTV Staying Alive Foundation comments, “Our research shows that one in four young adults across Europe think HIV is a problem that mainly affects people in Africa, which is a worrying myth. We want Someone Like Me to get people talking, online and in the real world, about HIV as we approach World AIDS Day.”
“It’s not enough to simply provide information and hope it is consumed by young people. The only way to break down stigma, myths and stereotypes that can shroud the truth around HIV is to get people talking and sharing their own knowledge and experiences on the platforms they use to communicate every day.” She continues.