MONDAY 5 JAN 2015 10:41 AM


As we move into 2015, communicators will be thinking about ways to strengthen their digital output. Several notable trends are predicted to come into effect over the next year and Hotwire PR has pinned down some of these in its sixth annual, and final, Digital Trends Report.

The report will be the last ever of its kind due to the integration of digital. Most now understand digital as part of an overall communications strategy and, of course, everyday life.

John Brown, head of engagement at Hotwire, says, “Referring to digital as a separate proposition in the context of the communications industry feels dated. It seems like the perfect time to draw a close to the Digital Trends Report as we know it with this final issue and, with our next issue, look to the future through a fully integrated lens.”

The reassessment of digital communications aside, there are several trends that Hotwire have identified for 2015. ‘Choose your own content’ is a strong overriding theme; meaning that people expect greater control over the type of content they consume; whether that be video, audio, or written. Brands must deliver a wide range of content if they hope to reach the widest possible audience.

Companies must also ensure that they offer a unified digital experiences that stays firmly on brand, and that they deliver content suited to a multitude of devices and screens. Making the most of personal data shared by browsers is also a keen concern for marketers, and, as a consequence, matters of privacy will also be carefully monitored. 

For more details read the full report here.


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