Leadership and the Magna Carta took centre stage at the 2015 Eurocomm event in London. The two-day programme had the theme, Power to the People, and covered a range of current issues targeted toward internal communicators.
Keynote speaker on the first day was Bjorn Edlund, founder of Edlund Consulting, who shared his insight on leadership informed by his experience as chief communications officer in three multinational corporations, including Shell. Sir Robert Worcester, KBE, the founder of MORI (Market & Opinion Research International Ltd.) commenced the second day with a talk inspired by the Magna Carta’s 800th anniversary. He held it up as the foundation of democracy.
Global communications was also a hot topic with a panel hosted by Anisha Jhina, director of IC at Mars Global Petcare, speaking about multicultural communications. The panel shared experiences of times when ethnocentricity and cultural differences led to miscommunication of brand values. The audience were encouraged to look for cultural similarities, rather than differences, and to learn from past failures.
The Eurocomm conference was hosted at the London College of Communication and takes place every two years. The conference is run by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), a global network of communication professionals.